The Community Outreach for Development and Welfare Advocacy (CODWA) is a nonprofit, Non-Governmental Organization established in August 1999. Occasioned by years of military dictatorship, mis-management of the country’s resources, corrupt and visionless leadership, it was necessary to put in place an organization like CODWA. It was the combined will and determination of the masses that enthroned civilian administration in Nigeria in 1999; political office holders at all levels in Nigeria have failed to meet expectations and aspirations of our people. Hence, development process in the health, civic space and other SGDs areas needed rich complimentary support from non-state actors.
We in CODWA, are therefore, fully convinced that the situation now and for all time, necessitate a body like ours to restore sanity in the polity, promote transparency and public discuss and accountability; expand and deepen the democratic space for sustainable development.
As a champion for change, I believe positive change agents are the world's conscience. We selflessly drive impactful change, serving frontline communities, the marginalized, and the underserved. At CODWA, we build solidarity for a sustainable environment, no matter the cost.
As a champion for change, I believe positive change agents are the world's conscience. We selflessly drive impactful change, serving frontline communities, the marginalized, and the underserved. At CODWA, we build solidarity for a sustainable environment, no matter the cost.